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Lab members: Lab Members

Yoichi Kosodo, PhD.

Principal Investigator

Neural circuits Group

Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI), office 4-2

☎ +82-53-980-8440 


CUrriculum Vitae

  • 04.2015 - Present

Principal investigator,

Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI),

Deague, South Korea

  • 09.2010 - 03.2015

Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy,

Kawasaki Medical School,

Kurashiki, Japan

  • 09.2005 - 09.2015

Research Scientist, Laboratory for Cell Asymmetry,

RIKEN center for Developmental Biology,

Kobe, Japan

  • 07.2001 - 08.2005

Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Wieland Huttner,

Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG),

Dresden, Germany

Academic Credential

  • 04.1998 - 03.2001

PhD. in Life Sciences, Laboratory of Koji Yoda, Dept. of Biotechnology, University of Tokyo

  • 04.1996 - 03.1998

M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Dept. of Biotechnology,

University of Tokyo

  • 04.1991 - 03.1996

B.Sc. in Engineering, Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology,

University of Tokyo

Awards / Honors / Memberships

  • 04.1991 - 03.1996

Research Fellowship of the JSPS for PhD student

  • 04.1991 - 03.1996

Junior Research Associate at the RIKEN Institute

Research Interests/Topics

  • Understanding the mechanism of neural and glial differentiation during formation of brain cortex

  • Production of specific neural cells from human iPS cells to analyze and apply for brain development disorders


61, Cheomdan-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu, 41068


Tel: 053-980-8440

Fax: 053-980-8309

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