Yoichi Kosodo, PhD.
Principal Investigator
Neural circuits Group
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI), office 4-2
☎ +82-53-980-8440
CUrriculum Vitae
04.2015 - Present
Principal investigator,
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI),
Deague, South Korea
09.2010 - 03.2015
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy,
Kawasaki Medical School,
Kurashiki, Japan
09.2005 - 09.2015
Research Scientist, Laboratory for Cell Asymmetry,
RIKEN center for Developmental Biology,
Kobe, Japan
07.2001 - 08.2005
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Wieland Huttner,
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG),
Dresden, Germany
Academic Credential
04.1998 - 03.2001
PhD. in Life Sciences, Laboratory of Koji Yoda, Dept. of Biotechnology, University of Tokyo
04.1996 - 03.1998
M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Dept. of Biotechnology,
University of Tokyo
04.1991 - 03.1996
B.Sc. in Engineering, Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology,
University of Tokyo
Awards / Honors / Memberships
04.1991 - 03.1996
Research Fellowship of the JSPS for PhD student
04.1991 - 03.1996
Junior Research Associate at the RIKEN Institute
Research Interests/Topics
Understanding the mechanism of neural and glial differentiation during formation of brain cortex
Production of specific neural cells from human iPS cells to analyze and apply for brain development disorders